Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

A Crash Course in Islam
If you have paid any attention to the news in the past decade, you have undoubtedly heard of the Muslim religion, also known as Islam.  Many people around the world are converting to the Muslim faith and calling on Allah as their leader.  Islam roots back to the most ancient people groups, dating back to Biblical days and a separation of the people into various worship rituals.  While the Israelites remained faithful to Jehovah God, many other people worshiped other gods and one segment of these eventually turned into what we now know as Islam.
Islam is a very devout religion with people changing their lifestyles completely to take up the faith.  While radical Islam is associated with terrorist activity, most Muslims do not practice this kind of behavior.  It is estimated that one fifth of the world’s population is now Muslim, with the majority of them in the eastern world.  Many live in the Middle East, but Asia and Africa are also full of Islamic groups.
One common misconception is that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, but call Him by different names.  This is actually false.  While many of the characters of faith are intertwined, the belief systems are completely different and the Islam faith stands in great contradiction to the Gospel message that is the root of Christianity.  In order for someone to convert to Islam, they must renounce all other religious associations and declare that Allah is the true god and that Muhammad was his messenger.  While the Muslim faith continues to grow in numbers, many people are still very leery of the radical belief system that characterizes Islam.
Exploring Islamic Prayer
When you observe the lifestyle of a Muslim, you will notice right away that one of the pillars of the faith is prayer.  Muslim believers join in obligatory prayer five times each day at specific times.  This is called “Salat” and is a required aspect of Muslim worship.  At each of the five predetermined times of the day, Muslims bow and repeat the prayers.  Since there are no priests or pastors in the Islam religion, a person is elected among the group who knows the Quran best and this is the person who leads the people in the prayer.
The Salat contains quotes from the Quran and it is repeated in Arabic, which was the original language that it was written in, or the language of the “revelation” as Muslims refer to it.  While Muslim believers can pray in their native tongues in other instances, they are required to use Arabic during this ceremonia Salat prayer five times each day.  The prayers are made at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, dusk, and night.  At each of these five times of day, there is a call to prayer and Muslims around the world join together wherever they might be to repeat the words of the Salat.
The prayer is translated in many places online, but it is basically a repeated allegiance and acknowledgement that Allah is the most great and the only true god.  It denies the existence of any other deity apart from Allah.  The Salat practice is one of the most fascinating aspects of Muslim worship.  When visiting the Middle East, you will undoubtedly witness this devotion to prayer throughout the day with people dropping everything to begin the prayer at predetermined times throughout the day.
Islam vs. jesus Christ
For many years, there has been great unrest in the Middle East and the battle has waged primarily against the Jewish people in Israel vs. the Muslim people of the surrounding nations.  While Jews do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Christian faith began with Jewish heritage.  In fact, Jesus was a Jew and came from the lineage of Abraham.  So what do Muslims say about Jesus Christ?  According to Christians, Jesus is the only way to heaven.  If you do not accept Him as Your Savior, then you cannot be made right with God.
Muslims do not adhere to this same belief.  They claim that Jesus was a great man and they also believe in the virgin birth.  The difference between Christianity and Islam comes in the belief in the deity of Jesus Christ.  Muslims believe that Jesus was a good man and did great miracles, but they do not acknowledge His deity as being God’s one and only Son.  They view the role of Jesus as a prophet.  In the Quran, there is definite mention of Jesus, but always as the “created” and in no way the same as the “Creator”.  In the Bible, Jesus makes statements such as “I and the Father are One” which tell us that Jesus and God were the same, as part of the trinity.
While at first glance, it might seem that Muslim and Christian beliefs are quite similar, they are actually very opposite because of this deity debate.  By setting Jesus aside as merely a human prophet, the Quran dismisses the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and takes away the forgiveness of sin that came through the shedding of His blood, which is the cornerstone of faith for all Christian believers.
Muslim in America?
In the post September 11 United States, much has been written, spoken, and filmed about bias toward Muslim Americans. Generalizations, stereotypes, and prejudices were all put upon the people group as a whole – over the actions of a few.
Muslim families found themselves being ostracized in their own neighborhoods, some were even force d to move. Muslim kids were bullied and treated harshly at school and on sports teams. Muslim owned businesses were given the cold shoulder. All of this because of the actions of a handful of radical Muslims who hated Americans.
Basir Jamil, an Amercian born Muslim who was 8 at the time of the 9/11 attacks, wrote an editorial piece for the Baltimore Sun in 2010. He says:
“From grade school on, I have personally encountered racism and extremism. I have endured snide comments, people calling me "terrorist," and people generally hating me for no reason but my race and religion. I have noticed that these comments mostly come from people who do not know me very well. People who have gotten to know me do not make such remarks as often, they know that I am not violent and not a hateful person.. The perception many Americans share today is that "terrorism" and "Islam" are synonymous... Unfortunately, people's ignorance has led many to shape a negative attitude about Islam.”
As we move forward some ten years after the attacks, and continue to fight the war on terror, we should be aware that the actions of a few should not bias us toward an entire group of citizens. We should learn about the person first before making generalizations that can lead to unfair prejudices.
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Living in the Age of Internet Technology
The Internet has opened a lot of doors, created many opportunities and made games available that previously required a group meeting. One of the games most seriously influenced by the Internet is bingo. Today there are more games and variations of online bingo sites available than ever before so finding the best online bingo should be easy with some research.
Bigbrothersbingo.com is one of the newest sites available and it is already topping the charts. They project their policy as allowing players to use a small amount of money to play and still allow them to be able to win larger money. They have several options for playing a free game and retaining the ability to still win money using none of your own money. Once you see how wonderful the site is and make your first deposit, you will receive a start-up game for free as well as a 300% welcome bonus. The chat is enjoyable and they offer other good games so if you aren’t tied heart and soul to bingo, you can enjoy the other games instead.
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While enjoying playing online bingo from home and chatting with people from around the world it would be nice to see who they are. Sites like Caesarsbingo.com and Meccabingo.com provide you with a new opportunity to see the people you are playing against. These sites give you the ability to be able to set up a private meeting through webcam in order to get acquainted with the other players. Players are never obligated and the cameras are safe. Your personal information is safe and once you make a deposit, your account is ready to use.
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An Unlikely Family Member
Strange though many may find it, I basically grew up with a hot tub as a sibling. Of course I'm exaggerating, but my mother was always attached to her hot tubs and spas. What was really interesting, though, was that we didn't have a lot of money; we weren't poor, we drifted between working class and middle class and, looking back on it, had no business owning a hot tub.
Nonetheless, my mother loved her hot tub and found a way to make it work. Like I said, I grew up with weekly visits to resistance pools and daily dips in our home hot tub, so I didn't really pay attention to it until I was older and realized it was somewhat of a rarity to have one of the fancy Atlantis whirlpool spas in your home. I then started thinking about the fact that we didn’t always have money for the electric bill and couldn’t quite figure out why my mother was so intent on having her hot tub.
Obviously, hot tubs are comfortable. Actually, two person tubs are amazingly comfortable; now that I'm older I can better appreciate the soothing qualities of a nice warm dip in the hot tub after a strenuous day of work. As a kid I was unfamiliar with the rigors of hard labor, of the stress of other people depending on your day in and day out, which was probably why I viewed the hot tub as just another toy. I now see that it can be so much more than that! A hot tub can be a lifesaver; it's a reprieve, a getaway right in your home, a weightless massage always ready and waiting.
I don't know what it is that makes the hot tub so addictive. Maybe it's the steam or the jets that offer an instant massage. Maybe it’s the extreme difference in temperature, making you feel removed from the rest of the day, or it's the aquatic buoyancy, that comforting amniotic relapse. I don't know what makes the cares of the “real world” melt away like butter on a piping hot roll, but something, or everything, about soaking in a hot tub just makes the world seem easier. A good soak makes you calm; it makes you not forget your worries and helps you ditch your stress after a really long day.
I guess this is what my mother thought, too, or something along these lines, and that's why she made it such a priority. Whenever I see a hot tub I can picture my mother relaxing, just her neck and head protruding from the bubbly depths, a glass of wine in her hand or on the side, her eyes closed, her mind and body at peace. The images and knowledge of my mother's comfort alone are enough to sooth me, and then the physical calming of the hot tub does even more, transporting me to a hitherto unknown world of relaxation and serenity. But, like I said, the hot tub is like a sibling for me, one with whom I share a deep connection and a rife history.
Filed under: hydrotherapy No Comments
Bingo as a Bridal Shower Game
Everyone loves a good game of bingo and we have adapted it for a variety of reasons over the years.  We have used it to teach our children their colors, shapes, multiplication tables, and science facts.  We have used it to keep our aging parents from getting bored in their assisted living residences.  We have even used it at work when the boss is out and we are bored by playing free bingo games online like fancybingo.  But how can bingo be used as a bridal shower game?
Bridal showers are usually full of the same old boring games where the ladies fashion fake veils and gowns out of toilet paper and give the bride gifts of cheesy place settings and vases that she will never use.  What if you revamped the idea of a bridal shower completely?  You could tell everyone to bring a laptop and a list of their favorite bingo sites such as Sing Bingo or Costa Bingo and then just have a great time competing for the bingo bonuses.
You can all play on the same website and have a competition to see who can win the most prizes.  You could also play a bingo tournament at Citybingo or Tasty Bingo where you form teams and see who comes out on top.  As you play and enjoy some of your favorite snacks, you will be surprised at how each person has a different strategy to win at bingo.  Share your ideas and play on the sites that each other wrote down as favorites.  Even if you have always stuck to Costa Bingo, this is the perfect opportunity to give foxybingo a try.
Of course, this might be a little high tech for the mother of the bride and so if she pitches a fit, play an old fashioned game of bridal bingo.  You can make your own bingo cards, but spell "BRIDE" instead of "BINGO" at the top.  Then use pictures of wedding objects like bells, doves, flowers, and gowns instead of the typical numbers.  You can play for little prizes and eat finger foods.  Either way you choose to go, bingo is a fun way to bring some spice to your bridal shower.  Give it a try and watch your friends come to life!
Filed under: Online Bingo No Comments
What Teachers Do in the Summer Time
I was dropping my kids off at school on the last day before summer vacation when I saw my daughter’s second grade teaching scampering through the hall with her bag of books trailing behind her.  She stopped when she saw me and we had a quick moment to catch up for the last time before summer vacation.  She started telling me about her summer plans which included checking out the best UK casinos.  I was immediately intrigued by the thoughts of her spending the summer bouncing from one casino to the next.
She laughed when I asked her how she could afford to fly to Europe on her teacher’s salary.  Then she told me that she enjoyed playing on online casinos rather than the old brick and mortar variety.  Over the last few months, she had been exploring the top ten casinos that had websites offering all kinds of games like slots, blackjack, and keno.  She had been reading UK bingo reviews and other online gaming reviews to form her agenda for the summer.
She explained that she had big plans to test out William Hill casino for their infamous poker games that she had read about at some online poker review forum.  She was also pretty set on Euro Grand Casino which she only knew about because of the online blackjack reviews she saw the week before.  I had no idea that online casinos had such a variety of options available for people to choose from!  I assumed that there were one or two big casino websites, but most of the world’s gambling was done in person in the big city of Vegas.
I was totally wrong!  Now I was intrigued with the thoughts of playing fun casino games from the comfort of my own home.  I decided to get online and do some reading.  You would be amazed at everything that is out there about online casino games!  I started reading Virgin Casino Reviews and I found out that I could play for free and still earn cash and prizes.  That was all I needed to hear to sign up and get started.  It turns out that the second grade teacher isn’t the only one playing blackjack this summer.  It has become a great substitute for the usual trashy romance novel I soak up at the beach.  Instead, I am sitting by the ocean playing casino games and enjoying it as much as if I was in Las Vegas!
Filed under: Online Bingo No Comments
What we Muslims can learn from converts

If Muslims have a poor reputation andndash; and they do andndash; converts to Islam have it even worse. Amongst their dreadful alumni are such characters as the "shoe bomber" Richard Reid, the 7 July bomber Germaine Lindsay, and Nicky Reilly who experimented with to blow up a restaurant in Bristol with a nail bomb. And Lauren Booth. Nevertheless regardless of these poor recruiting sergeants and in spite of the overwhelmingly detrimental media depiction of Islam, the variety of folks converting to Islam looks to be rising.

A report this week recommended the amount of converts had doubled in the past 10 years from about 60,000 in 2001 to up to 100,000 with all around 5,200 people today converting to Islam in the UK final 12 months. These figures arrive with a well being warning andndash; they are estimates derived from extrapolations andndash; but if we accept that escalating numbers of British guys and ladies are turning to Islam, it does lead to concerns of why: why are people voluntarily signing up to a faith that is, if you believe that what you examine, a cesspit of misogyny, violence and detest?

The growth in conversions in the past decade is partly a reflection of social and geopolitical adjustments in Britain and the planet in the course of the previous ten years. Prior to eleven September 2001 there was fairly small press awareness provided to Islam. Subsequent the attacks there was an understandable rise in focus on the faith, which led non-Muslims to want to find out a lot more about the religion that was now so often in the information.

In addition to the worldwide resurgence in interest in Islam, combined-faith marriages are also now much more commonplace than in the previous. Frequently such marriages lead to "conversions of convenience" wherever the husband or wife will agree to convert to ease relations with the new Muslim in-laws. When I received married my household asked my fiancee to convert but she was rightly reluctant and I had always been uneasy about the cynicism of these kinds of conversions and felt it demeaned individuals individuals who had truly changed faith. In simple fact, I had usually been suspicious of Muslim converts. I located the preponderance of hijabs (and in the survey the huge proportion of white female converts wore the hijab) amongst converts unsettling. It was as if these women needed to promote their newfound faith in a way that my sister, mom and sister-in-law andndash; none of them hijab wearers andndash; did not need to have to.

The report suggests that it is white girls who are driving the rise in conversions and when asked for their causes the same themes recur: converts talked of feeling their lives had been lost and lacking in goal, they voiced apprehension at the normalisation of immoral behaviour amongst an increasingly irreligious British public. They identified alcohol and drunkenness, a "lack of morality and sexual permissiveness", and "unrestrained consumerism". There are many ironies right here andndash; at a time when British Muslims of Asian extraction are progressively consuming and engaging in sexualpermissiveness andndash; if theyre lucky- white converts are fleeing in the direction of piety. It also ought to be mentioned that it is far less complicated for a white woman to convert to Islam in Britain than, say, for a Muslim girl in Pakistan to convert to Christianity.

A typical thread in converts stories was that some thing was missing in their lives beforehand and Islam then supplied some stability in the midst of existential turbulence. This tends to make sense andndash; there has to be some dramatic require that is previously unfulfilled that would need somebody adjust faith. The challenge for mosques and other individuals is to assure that those who are expressing keenness in the direction of Islam get the appropriate guidance so their curiosity does not turn them into cannon fodder at the fingers of extremists joyful to exploit the susceptible.

If there are problems there are also some possibilities that arrive with the increasing number of converts. I admitted earlier that I was rather suspicious of converts; I also fairly envy them, for they know far more about Islam than most British Pakistanis. For us religion and culture had been so entangled that it was challenging to distinguish one from the other. The conservatism of our operating-class Pakistani culture blurred into the way our families practised religion. This meant, for illustration, that marrying outside of the faith, accepted by Islam, is routinely not accepted in the culture. They are not weighed down by the very same baggage and thus can be a beneficial bridge in between cultures and in nudging other Muslims in direction of a far more liberal and tolerant path on troubles these kinds of as mixing among men and women in mosques and mixed-faith marriages.

It applied to be explained that Asians andndash; with their emphasis on family members values, challenging function and schooling were "more British than the British". It is a last irony that nowadays it could be argued that converts to Islam, with their potential to disentangle faith from culture, are now additional Muslim than their brown brothers and sisters in faith.

A Growing Trend Among Muslims
The Muslim community is growing daily as more converts join it.  Each new person changes the dynamic of the Muslim culture in some way and we see the changes start to spread around the world.  Today’s Muslims are more technologically savvy than ever before and we are seeing many of them use the internet for pleasure as much as for work.  One of the latest trends is the emerging love for internet bingo games.
In a culture that has a slightly restricted social life in regards to what is and is not acceptable behavior, the internet offers a shield of anonymity where people can gamble or enjoy games for the sake of entertainment.  More and more people are starting to play bingo online in their free time.  This gaming trend originated in the United Kingdom and most of the sites are still operated from the UK.
The people of Europe instantly fell in love with the game of bingo and it spread quickly through word of mouth and social networking.  Many bingo sites developed casino style games like Fluffy Favorites slots which gave the industry an entirely new appeal for those who could not gamble in brick and mortar casinos for cultural or religious reasons.
Now you can play free bingo for cash no matter where you live.  The Muslim community is enjoying the opportunity to compete for jackpots that offer great prizes like laptop computer and televisions.  Some even offer exotic vacations that people would never be able to afford otherwise.  Perhaps even more than the actual winnings, people are interested in the thrill of competition.
They also love the ability to talk with people around the world while they play.  Most bingo sites have an interactive chat feature which lets you talk with other players throughout the game.  You can chat about anything and everything from sports to current affairs to religious beliefs.  Muslims who live away from their families enjoy having specific times that they meet to play bingo and chat online on the city bingo web site.  It gives them a free way to keep in touch and exchange information and pleasantries with their friends and family.
Filed under: Online Bingo No Comments
Muslim congressman Keith Ellison accuses GOP’s Peter King of bigotry
Muslim congressman Keith Ellison accuses GOP’s Peter King of bigotry. The unequivocally unapproachable as well as unequivocally initial Islamic congressman from Minnesota, Keith Ellison, does not similar to Peter King during all. In fact, he officious loathes him. That explains since his entrance upon MSNBC’s low-rated "The Ed Show," hosted by all a time indignant Ed Schultz, was highlighted by zero some-more than a single personal conflict after an additional opposite New York’s Peter King, who has pronounced he intends to reason hearings upon in advance American Muslims in 2011. In an entrance which concerned some-more impression gangland slaying than logic as well as some-more ludicrous analogies than egghead honesty, Ellison unloaded upon King by job him a extremist as well as a McCarthyist. It seems which a little members of America’s Muslim community have been regulating Saul Alinsky’s "Rules for Radicals" in sequence to overpower patriots similar to King.
Since a headlines pennyless final week which King will have use of his chairmanship of a House Homeland Security Committee to reason hearings upon in advance American Muslims, he’s been removing slandered left as well as right by a little of those "religion of peace" adherents of America’s Muslim community. It’s similar to each final uncertain as well as excessively sensitive Muslim is entrance out of a woodwork to privately conflict King in a pure devise to inhibit him from starting forward with his nationalistic hearings. we don’t get since a little of these Muslims similar to Ellison et al have been so gosh-darn opposite land hearings upon a radicals in their community! You’d consider which if they were indeed nationalistic Americans themselves, they’d be usually as well happy to assistance King weed out a radicals in their community, right? Of march right!
The restlessness with Ellison as well as a little alternative malcontents in America’s Muslim village seems to be formed upon hypersensitivity as well as arrogance, as in their realistic idea which there is no extended as well as large-scale complaint with Islam as well as terrorism…which of march there is. This actuality only keeps removing reliable each day; only review a headlines daily, as well as you’ll get an roughly uninterrupted swell of headlines about Muslims murdering civilians or responding in a check which they wish to kill non-believers.
Just to spell out a extremes which Islam apologists similar to Ellison will go to, his categorical justification is which Muslims should not be singled out since there have been alternative demographics who additionally rivet in terrorism. Then he lamely cited a removed apprehension incidents of Tim McVeigh during a back of in a mid-90s as well as a some-more new rioter who flew in to a IRS office building in Texas. It’s longhorn to review a aforementioned, sole acts of apprehension to Islamic apprehension similar to there’s a parallel. Anyone who’s intellectually honest has to confess which Islamic apprehension happens globally, is a coordinate movement, as well as has a centuries-long story during a back of it.
However, sickening as well as cowardly liberals still will have excuses as well as repudiate this definite fact, even if a justification is waved in their faces. For instance, we was examination O’Reilly final night, as well as he had upon token magnanimous Alan Colmes in a shred with Monica Crowley. Remember Colmes? AKA, Hannity’s worse half from 1996 to 2008? Anyway, O’Reilly told him to his bespectacled face that, according to Crowley, 126 indictments have been handed out in a final dual years by a ultra-liberal Eric Holder himself for terrorism. And predict what????? Each as well as each chairman indicted…has been…a Muslim! That’s no coincidence; which obviously shows an irrevocable complaint with Islam as well as terrorism, though Colmes a blockhead kept creation up even some-more violent excuses after which actuality was divulged! How violent is which perspective by Islamic terrorist-shielding liberals?
Ellison accomplished his entrance upon "The Ed Show" by privately shaming King as a extremist who was targeting Muslims in a US, a sum phony of what he’s unequivocally doing. King is a loyalist for wanting to weed out probable terrorists in a American Muslim community, as well as it’s great which he doesn’t concede this concurrent insult bid to stop him. However, Muslims similar to Ellison have been obviously study up upon a Saul Alinksy tactic of insulting or demonizing your enemies which is created up in a book "Rules for Radicals." That’s how distant a little Muslims will go to try to censor a complaint with their "religion of peace" as well as terrorism.
Copyright © 2010 by Marc Schenker
Like Marc’s analysis? To allow to Marc's articles: Click upon a "Subscribe" symbol on top of a headline.
To send Marc questions, regard or criticism, we can email him during marc_schenker@telus.net

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Tension is about politics, not religion
Listen to a Article - Powered by Once in a whilst a square of methodical investigate comes around which is indeed necessary celebration of a mass for any a single meddlesome in exploring since family have been so tense, aggressive, as good as spasmodic violent, in in in in between many people in a United States, alternative Western countries as good as a Arab-Islamic region.
The inform usually expelled by a Gallup company, “Measuring a State of Muslim-West Relations: Assessing a ‘New Beginning,’” is a single such investigate which deserves to be during large review by politicians, journalists, conviction leaders as good as academics via a universe (it is accessible for giveaway during www.gallup.com). The consult interpretation from interviews with over 123,000 people in 55 countries in in in in between 2006 as good as 2010 touches upon vicious core sentiments as good as issues which need to be improved accepted if you ever goal to retreat a cycle of assault as good as distrust which right away plagues so many Arabs, Muslims, Americans as good as Westerners.
Following up Gallup’s ground-breaking 2008 study, “Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think,” this brand brand brand brand new inform explores 3 vicious themes in how Muslims understand Muslim-West tensions: a significance of governing body as against to religion; a vicious purpose of ‘respect’; as good as a purpose of conflicts in Muslim lands which engage Western powers. It additionally compares as good as contrasts people who demonstrate an seductiveness in Muslim-West rendezvous as good as those who do not, as good as summarizes open attitudes in 3 dispute areas: Iraq, Afghanistan, as good as a Palestinian Territories.
The following appear to me to be a many vicious commentary of a report, which should be eaten generally by policy-makers in Western as good as Muslim societies alike:
First, Arabs in a Middle East as good as North Africa (MENA), compared to Muslims in alternative regions of a world, place a top significance upon a peculiarity as good as significance of Muslim-West relations. MENA residents lend towards to hold Muslims communities have been committed to mending ties with a West – nonetheless usually minorities in these societies hold which a West is similarly committed.
Second, a up as good as down transformation in Muslims’ views of a United States as good as others in a West reflects an additional investigate finding: 40 percent of MENA residents as good as Europeans see domestic differences as a equates to of tensions – not sacrament or culture. This figure rises to over 50 percent in Syria, Palestine as good as Iran, as good as to 74 percent in Lebanon. That is why, for example, Arab capitulation of a US rose measurably when Barack Obama was inaugurated president, even prior to his mid-2009 Cairo debate about mending ties with a Muslim world. However, Muslims’ capitulation of a US care has forsaken since then.
Third, those who see domestic differences as a pass equates to of bad family additionally feel which aroused dispute in in in in between infancy Muslim as good as Western societies can be avoided. Those who see sacrament as a categorical equates to of tensions lend towards to feel which dispute is unavoidable (44 percent in a US as good as Canada as good as 51 percent in MENA).
Note this carefully: a infancy of Muslims feels which many problems with a West can be resolved since they simulate domestic differences, not eremite or informative fissures. We all need to concentration some-more upon domestic issues as good as unfamiliar policies, as good as give reduction courtesy to quite eremite counts as a equates to to improved relations, since sacrament is not a complaint – policies have been a problem.
Fourth, mutual apply oneself is seen as deeply not in in between many Muslims, since which 63 percent of surveyed Muslims hold their societies apply oneself a West though usually twenty-eight percent of a same Muslims feel a West respects them. Over half of Americans (53 percent) additionally contend a West does not apply oneself Muslim-majority societies.
The research about how Muslims conclude “respect” is a pass anticipating of this study. When you spoke to Dalia Mogahed, a senior manager executive of a Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, who additionally heads a brand brand brand brand new Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, she explained an vicious shade in their analysis: Most Muslims, as expected, see with regard to holy black such as a Koran or a Prophet Mohammad as vicious gestures of apply oneself (72 percent); though also, a tall 54 percent of Muslims surveyed pronounced which being treated with colour with colour sincerely in governing body was additionally vicious to their clarity of respect. “Many Muslims see satisfactory policies by unfamiliar countries as deeply meaningful, which is an additional approach of observant which they insert good significance to being treated with colour with colour with a clarity of justice,” Mogahed explained to me upon a phone from Abu Dhabi.
And fifth, Muslims as good as Westerners by clever majorities contend which communication in in in in between their societies is a good as good as not a threat. Those Muslims who have been “ready” for rendezvous as good as improved family with a West additionally lend towards to be people who use sacrament upon a unchanging basis, which – again – highlights a actuality which politics, not religion, is a place to find a causes of tensions, as good as their solutions.
This vicious brand brand brand brand new investigate verifies a little things you already knew, clarifies others, as good as sheds brand brand brand brand new light upon areas which were not good understood. It reminds us which apply oneself as good as policy, rsther than than sacrament per se, have been a vicious issues in Islamic-Western ties or tensions.
Rami G. Khouri is published twice weekly by THE DAILY STAR.

Get to know your Muslim neighbors
As a unapproachable Muslim American you wish to residence a issues which Muslims in America have been confronting currently such as secular discrimination, stereotyping, as well as being disposed to hatred crimes.
I consider it's silly to consider which Muslim Americans do not have this country's many appropriate seductiveness during heart in a same approach as any Americans do.
I consider it's ludicrous how a Muslim chairman can't get by airfield confidence but being disregarded as well as nude of their dignity. Doesn't a First Amendment state "Freedom of Religion?" Shouldn't a people of Islam get to use their conviction openly as well as proudly, but being prosecuted, as well as done to use their sacrament in overpower to fit in to society's norm?
In a media Islam is portrayed as a aroused religion, when in actuality Islam is a single of a many pacific religions. Many Americans, when they listen to a word "Muslim," automatically consider of a terrorist. This is serious form of stereotyping. This complaint occurred when a "few" Muslims chose to dedicate acts of violence; each Muslim was blamed. you all a time find myself being stared during - conference whispers at a behind of my behind as well as those looks of guess which bake deep.
I hold people should get to know someone who is Muslim, revisit their internal mosque as well as ask questions about Islam. At a finish you have been all tellurian beings who share usual goals, dreams, hopes as well as aspirations for ourselves as well as for the young kids as any one else does.

Don’t Let Neuralgia Pain Ruin Your Life
There are many benefits of Tramadol, and I would like to take some time to talk about some of those, especially in regards to neuralgia.  Tramadol no prescription has been known to relieve chronic pain, especially from those recovering from surgery, cancer patients, and those affected by neuralgia.  Tramadol can give much needed back pain relief, and help arthritis sufferers function better on a daily basis.  Tramadol works much like a narcotic, affecting the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord.  So it acts similar to morphine.
Neuralgia is the pain associated with following the path of a nerve.  Some of the symptoms of the disease are impaired function due to pain of the affected body part or muscle weakness from motor nerve damage.  There is an increased sensitivity of the skin, or a feeling of numbness.  This sometimes feels much like a Novocain shot.  Also, along a specific nerve path, pain will be felt.  Pain can be anywhere on the body, usually on or near the surface.  It will usually be in the same location each time, with the stabbing pain coming and going or constant pain that burns.  It may be painful to move, and the slightest touch can be felt as pain.
Treatment for neuralgia includes treating the pain and trying to reverse the cause of the pain.  Sometimes tumors can cause neuralgia and when they are removed, this helps solve the problem.  Often times a spinal cord injury will result in neuralgia.  There are many other causes of neuralgia too, although sometimes a cause cannot be found.  Although most neuralgia problems are not life-threatening, pain can be severe.  This is where Ultram, or Tramadol, can help.
Ultram is usually a very well tolerated pain relief drug.  It does have some side-effects, like any drug, and most are temporary and mild.  Some of these include headaches, sweating, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Since it works as a narcotic, be sure to take the medicine exactly as directed.  It can be habit forming, so never stray from what you need for your pain.  Respiratory depression is not nearly as bad when compared to other opioids.  Ultram's pain relief is effective and strong.  It could be compared to other powerful pain killers like codeine and morphine.  This is why so many people choose to buy Ultram to deal with the pain associated with neuralgia.
If you decide you want to order Tramadol for your neuralgia, you can buy Tramadol online.  There are very good reputable online pharmacies that sell cheap Ultram, or Tramadol pain reliever.  You can compare prices for prescription Tramadol, and make the most of your money.  This is the easiest way to buy Fioricet or any other prescription drug that you need.  Think about it, you never have to leave the comfort of your own home and worry about if you might have a flare-up of pain while you are out.
Tramadol is given very often by doctors to treat neuralgia.  They know that this drug is a safe, effective way to help with the moderately severe to severe pain associated with this disease.  If you feel that Tramadol is a good choice for you, then give it a try.  Relief from your pain is just a click or two away.
Not sure which pain relief medication to buy?  Read more about Tramadol vs. Ultracet to ensure that you are purchasing the best pain medication for your particular situation.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

ucapan selamat ulang tahun?? hemm, tentunya sanga pujaan hati ingin diberikan perhatian lebih dari kita seorang pacar mau cewek maupun cowok di pagi yang cerah tentunya lebih bagus lagi apa bila anda sebagai pacar yang baik dan benar selalu memberikan ucapan selamat pagi untuk Pacar, sahabat atau keluarga karena dengan sedikit perhatian dan kat-kata cinta membuat sang pacar menjadi semakin sayang dengan anda kalau gak percaya coba saja anda berikan Ucapan selamat pagi untuk Pacar ini hehe

Bahagia yang sempurna adalah.
Ketika kita mendapatkan apa yg kita inginkan.
Tanpa menyakiti perasaan orang lain.
Good Morning Friends, and Have a Nice day..
Dapatkan keinginanmu hari ini.

Pagi-pagi dengerin musik rock sambil nge-Black Coffe..
Met pagi sobat.
Moga jari ini menyenangkan.

Matahari yang tak bosan.
Menyapa pagi dengan sinar ke’emasannya..
Seperti diriku.
Yang tak pernah lupa menyapa sahabatku.
Met pagi kawan.
Good Luck for today..

Angin pantai menyapu wajahmu.
Tebarkan kesejukan di hatiku.
Selamat Pagi Sahabatku.
Doa ku menyertai setiap langkahmu..

Keputusan terbaik dalam hidup kita,
Mungkin bisa kita bohongi lewat mulut.
Tapi tidak oleh hati kita.

Met pagi sobat.
Semoga berkah di hari ini buat aku dan kamu.Matahari yang tak bosan.
Menyapa pagi dengan sinar ke’emasannya..
Seperti diriku.
Yang tak pernah lupa menyapa sahabatku.
Met pagi kawan.
Good Luck for today..

“Selamat pagi”
kamu yang pertama aku ucapin..
meski aku punya ribuan teman..
mulai dari yang jelk,lumyan,,sampe yg cakep..
tapi aq Lebih suka dari yg jelek dulu

Kemilau asa di ufuk timur
menjanjikan sejuta keinginan
semula titik langkah perlahan
menjadikan bumi semaian harapan
selamat pagi
semoga hari ini menjadi harimu

Selamat Pagi..
RamaLan cuaCa hr ne akn t’jdi
1. Hujan beRkat
2. Angin suKacita
3. Embun dAMai
4. CerahNya ciNta
5. AwaN gEMbira
hav a BleSseD day

Sisa purnama tenggelam bayang malam
ketika pandangan itu tetap tersenyum
ufuk timur menjanjikan harapan
menebar rindu menuai damai
selamat pagi
selamat beraktifitas

Langit membuka tabirnya, menyapa mentariku yang cantik pagi ini. Sayang kita sarapan bersama yuk

Bukan matahari pagi yang menyebabkan cahaya, tapi cahaya yang menyebabkan cintaku kepadamu tetap terang seperti cahaya pagi.

selamat mencoba.....